Saturday, May 31, 2008

Court Visit with Trixie

Trixie and I went to the Christchurch district court on Thursday to watch some real life court action. I really wanted to learn more about what lawyers do because I don't want to go into something that might not be my my cup of tea- if you get what I mean.

So anyway the visit was really an eye-opener for me. It was quite intimidating entering the court because we were practically surrounded by really dodgy looking people who were waiting to stand on trial along with their families and friends.Most of them stared at Trixie and me-as if they could sniff out innocent law-abiding citizens like us.Okay. Maybe I'm taking a prejudicial stand here but it really was quite intimidating knowing that the grubby man seated next to us may have been charged for drug possession or something. The trials that we viewed ranged from young people breaking their probation, a hard-looking tattooed man who was charged for the possession of cannabis and an Asian guy who broke immigration laws. We missed the trial of a sex-offender in the high court though. It would have been really interesting. Photo-taking wasn't allowed and so I didn't take any pictures of the court.

Some of the people that were charged looked really normal like you and me. Its quite an eye-opener, knowing that our world isn't as clean as you think it is, that anyone can be a bad guy. I might just consider being a criminal lawyer if I do law. Chrislynn-defender of the poor, meek and the weak. Loving the sound of that!

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