Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Last school day of high school

Sunday, November 23, 2008

It was a day of mixed feelings. Laughter and sadness all rolled into one. It was great to see everyone all dolled up and laughing at the funny performances but there was the underlying tone of sadness to the event. Knowing that all this was going to end. All we had left was to finish up our papers and on seniors sign out day on December the third, we would no longer be Burnside students. I'm a pretty sentimental person and when I've enjoyed my time at a place, I really want to hold on to it and not let it go. Uni is around the corner and I'm not really looking forward to it. Everyone is saying that the freedom we would get would be immense and rahrahrah. I want excitement though, such as venturing into a new city, having new experiences and such. Knowing that I would spend the next 5 years in churchur kind of dulls everything. Auckland uni perhaps? or maybe Victoria. But its almost too late now because I may or may not get an accommodation at any of those places. Ahh. The thought of it just makes my head hurt.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Show cup day and senior's farewell assembly

Romeo, Save me, take me somewhere we can be alone.

I wasn't able to take pictures of all my pals that day because everyone was just scooting off everywhere. There were so many people dressed to the nines that day with nice head gears and dresses but I didn't capture all of them. Enjoy the pictures anyway. There is more to come!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Something for single women who own dogs
From the director of sex and the city.
Ps.I hope I won't become like the woman in the film. Ha ha

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Show Cup day silhouettes

Show cup day is a pretty big deal in NZ and the horse races are held in Christchurch. Our leavers assembly clashed with show cup day, and so the seniors got in on the act and many dressed up in their show cup day gear. It was the last day of school and we ended high school with the leaver's assembly. I went crazy with the self-timer there. Loving the silhouettes. More pictures coming to you soon.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Zealand has spoken and we have a new prime minister , John Key. Aunty Helen is no more. The wave of change has swept over the world and the Kiwi's have caught it. Helen's actually a really good leader with heaps of experience but as they say, politics has its highs and lows and this time around, she has met her low. The "don't trust him" advertising campaign was a bad attempt on " brainwashing" simple minded people.The advert with the lady and the baby only spelt DESPERATION . Negative advertising opposed to positive?Move over labour. Just love observing the marketing and branding strategies of the different parties. The greens were great with their "vote for me" campaign that appealed to people emotionally.http://www.greens.org.nz/

I love the fact that I can vote and I have the freedom of speech to actually talk about this. Democracy at its best.
Will I vote again? Hell yeah I will.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Today was just one of those days. You know, that kind of day which doesn't go all that well for you. First of all, my jandals snapped just as I arrived at school. Don't you hate it when that happens? I was thinking of walking about barefoot but then again it was an extremely hot day and my poor feet would totally burn under the hot concrete. Especially that pain in the arse corn on my big toe. Fine. So I drove all the way back home again, got a new pair of jandals and drove back to school.Thank god I can drive!Oh yeah I stepped on fresh spat gum as well.Bummer. And, my camera ran out of batt half way through school and that meant I couldn't take anymore pictures of the last friggin day of high school ever.

Then again, maybe my day wasn't that bad. I passed my human evolution test without getting any questions wrong! Which pretty much made my day. :) Maybe mixing blogging & studying ain't that bad? haha

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Human evolution. Fact or bull?
This is me trying to combine studying and blogging. Typical media student ;)This kinda gives me an incentive to study in a way, knowing that people would read all this. Lol. Anyway I've got a test on human evolution tomorrow. Whether I believe in it or not. I'm just doing it for the credits. Honestly speaking. Putting religious beliefs aside.This topic is very interesting( cool bbc documentaries on nude people running about like apes) and regarded as the easiest of all but why on earth are we doing this when most of the "facts" we are getting aren't necessarily verified or proven? Most of which are just men's theories on how we got here. Whatevs. By the end of the ncea exams, I'll probably forget most of the things I've studied and making way for partay's. (Note: mini sponge bob in sponge bob's brain frantically erasing everything) ha ha. As I've said. I'm doing it for the credits.

Anyway. Lets try studying shall we? And no more sidetracking :D You can stop reading right about now.

1)Hominin- The so-called tribe consisting of Homo and several genera of Bipedal Apes.
(note: Bipedal- walking on two rear limbs)
Hominid- Family consisting of human's, apes and orang utans.

2) Human lineage-
-We started off as early hominids which basically look a lot like chimps that show some human characteristics such as Bipedalism,shape and arrangement of their teeth. Eg. Sahelanthropus tchadensis.( say this fast and you're a legend)
-Australopithecines were the next stage of our evolutionary path.Bipedalism was achieved along with a gracile body,opportunistic omnivores, that scavenge meat. Eg: australopithecus Africanus,Afarensis (lucy),Anamensis . etc.
-next was the Paranthropines which were a specialised bunch of hominids that eat bulky, low-grade vegetarian diet. They developed large cheek teeth,powerful chewing muscles and a robust skull. Eg parathropus robustus,boisei.
-Another branch that eventually led to modern humans would be the Habillines. They were the first lot to show brain enlargement because of more meat in their diet that contained protein for brain development. Created the first recognizable stone tool. Post cranial still small.Eg: Homo rudolfensis(1470cc skull),Habillis.
-Erectines were next. They showed changes in the post cranial skeleton, achieving in height (modern proportions), Behavioral changes matched with increasing brain volume.Sophisticated tool manufacture.Eg. Homo ergaster,erectus & foreinsiensis.
-Achaic and modern humans. Rapid advances in brain development associated with behaviour. They rapidly spread to the world. Eg: Homo neaderhtalensis. heidebergensis and modern humans, the homo sapiens.

3)skeletal changes linked to bipedalism- Toe bone, upright posture indicated by skeleton,valgus angle of knee joint,large muscle mass,human-like pelvis.

4)changes is skull and endocranial features- The skull volume started off small but it increased due to brain development(change of diet to meat) and later in modern humans,it decreased once more.
A.Afarensis/lucy : 3.9-30mya
skull similar to chimp with brain size (375-550 cc)
sexual dimorphism ( difference in height from male to female)
human pelvis and legbones indicate bipedalism

A.Africanus: 3.0-2mya
Brain size (420-500cc)
human-like jaw shape

P.Boisei: 2.1-1.1 mya
robust species
brain size (500-545cc)
massive jaws,large molars,attachments to skull (sagittal crest) chewing muscle

P.robustus: 2.0-1.5mya
brain size (530cc)
robust,larger skull and teeth
Large brow ridges and no forehead

H. Habillis: 2.4-1.5 mya
similar to australopithecines.
Brain size considerably larger (500-800cc)
buldging of Broca's area indicating rudimentary speech.

H.ergaster/turkana boy: 1.8-1.4 mya
Brain capacity (850-1000cc)

H.Erectus/java man: 1m-300,000 ya.
buttressed skulls with ridges of bone, skulls greatly thickened
Larger brain volumes (1000-1250cc)
Simple hunting tools

Achaic homo sapiens: 300,000 ya
Brain volume (1100-1400cc)
possessing homo erectus and modern human features.

Homo.Neanderthalensis: 230,000-28,000ya
brain vol (1450cc)

Homo Sapiens:: Brian vol (1350cc)
Gracile skeleton
cultural revolution (wide range of materials=wide range of tools)
sophisticated and artists
chin to support jaw movement, Smaller teeth (cooked food).....

I give up i'm doing it old school. LOL

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Here's some boy candy for the boy deprived :)

Its Guy fawkes day and I'm stuck a home trying to make myself do some work whilst hearing the fireworks going off all around. This is what I call commitment, man.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Happy Birthday 18th Tabs!Tab's 18th was fun! I didn't attend the mini golf bit though. But it was so great hanging with my mates and we shared lots of laughs. Buzz and singstar are officially the best time fillers any party can get. Know those awkward moments during a party when people have nothing to do? I need to get hold of those. Lol They are so much fun and its a great way for people to entertain themselves.